Why Early Child Education Is Important?

Why Early Child Education Is Important?

Children are like white cloth that needs to be patterned by parents in order to be the backbone of the nation’s generation. The early education of children is very important in determining the direction of their lives in the future. Yet, many do not know how to shape children according to the correct mold.

Important or not early childhood education?

The first eight years of a child’s life are an important period for his or her brain development. During the early stages of children, their learning and development mentally, emotionally and socially is extremely critical. Because of that, early childhood education is considered a pretty important investment by parents for their children.

Early education provides a generation that has the resilience to face challenges from the physical and mental aspects, concentrate and build intellectual strength.

Nation building and civilization also begins with education. Therefore, education from an early age should be emphasized.

What is the meaning of early childhood education?

Some may be unsure of the true meaning of early childhood education. Early childhood education is defined as a high-quality program designed specifically for children from the time they are born to the age of 8 years.

In Malaysia, early childhood education uses the terms preschool, nursery, kindergarten or kindergarten which involves children under the age of six. Children at this age will be taught by skilled instructors in a learning environment appropriate to their age.

Perceptions of parents then & now.

It is the responsibility of parents to provide the best and strongest basic education to their children. If before, basic education for children was during their age of six years, that is before starting school in first grade. But now, many parents have started to be ‘eye -literate’ by enrolling their children in preschool as early as three to five years old.

In contrast to the current situation, where the scenario of sending four- and five -year -olds to preschool is a normal thing. In fact, parental awareness of early childhood education is also increasing where as early as infancy there are parents who enroll children in playgroups, enrichment centers and preschools.

The importance of early childhood education.

Various studies have been conducted by pediatricians. And the results prove that children who start a learning session in preschool are able to learn many things, more than those who go straight to primary school.

In preschool as well, these children are also exposed to learning numbers, letters and shapes similar to what they would learn in kindergarten.

In addition, your child will also learn how to socialize with peers, as well as people older than them (teachers). Typically, in preschool, your child will learn to get along with friends, learn to share and tolerate.

In addition, your child will also learn how to socialize with peers, or Not only that, children will also learn how to respect others and how to solve a problem. Preschool provides a place for your child to get to know themselves, develop a positive character in them and increase self -confidence. people bigger than them (teachers). Typically, in preschool, your child will learn to get along with friends, learn to share and tolerate.

In fact, if you notice, children as young as four to five have a curious nature, and will often ask things around them like why birds fly or how fish can live in water.

In conclusion, there are many things your child will learn in preschool especially those related to self -directed learning.

INFO: Learning in preschool is very different from that in school, where children will learn about something in a relaxed manner. In fact, most preschools use play-while-learning techniques so that children are more interested in deepening knowledge.










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